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There are a range of events being held for Privacy Awareness Week 2024, both in person and online. Find out more about some of them below.

Privacy Awareness Week Woman speaking.
May 8, 2024

Panel Discussion – Privacy and Technology: Improving Transparency, Accountability and Security

This event has now been held

Federal Privacy Commissioner Carly Kind will join together with commissioners from around Australia, including and a special guest moderator, to discuss the PAW theme for 2024 – Privacy and technology: Improving transparency, accountability and security, in this event presented by OVIC. 

Woman at a desk with image of the earth behind her
May 9, 2024

Lightning talk: Being privacy conscious when outsourcing IT services

This event has now been held

OVIC is exploring how organisations can improve privacy when using technology. Within the Victorian Public Service, a growing number or organisations have turned to outsourcing IT services.

In this lightning talk aimed at Victorian public sector (VPS) agencies, OVIC privacy experts Andrew and Zoë will prepare attendees to carry out robust privacy due diligence by sharing common examples of outsourcing within the VPS, including known challenges, and provide practical guidance on the considerations you should have when looking to outsource.

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Week (PAW) 2024 to help show your commitment to best practice in privacy. Supporters will get access to our PAW 2024 toolkit, and can opt to be listed on the website. Join us by helping to power up privacy in 2024!

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